1. Teacher introduces the rooms of the house by miming an action for each room. -"La cuisine" (mime stirring a soup)-"Le garage" (mime driving a
car) Students imitate teacher. Gradually teacher stops doing the action and just says the word. Teacher can then check for understanding of the whole class, rows or individual students simply by saying the word.
2. Teacher asks Natural Approach questions of students to help them identify the rooms in French.-"Est-ce la cuisine?"-"Est-ce le salon ou le garage?"-"Qu'est-ce que
3. Teacher will show paintings by Francophone artists of rooms of the house. Students will identify the room.
4. Teacher will play sounds effects of various places in the home. Students try to guess the room.5. Students label the rooms on a house plan by choosing and copying words from the word bank.
5. Students label the rooms on a house plan by choosing and copying words from the word bank.