Lesson 2
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The Rooms of the House


1. Review the rooms of the house by showing the pictures and having the students name the rooms.

2. Teacher introduces the furniture using the natural approach questions.

3. Teacher shows two different photos: one of an American bathroom, one of a French bathroom. Students are asked, "Quelle est la différence?" The teacher and students discuss in French the differences: no toilet, a bidet. Teacher can briefly describe in French the purpose of the bidet depending on the maturity of the students.

4. Moving In: Students follow directions to furnish rooms in Albert the Alligator's house. For example the teacher might say, " Met le frigo dans la chambre. " The student would then put the refrigerator transparency piece on the room. If the student hesitates the teacher can describe the room further by color or contents.

5. Students touch doll furniture in a mystery box and guess to identify it based on feel. 

6. Students read and identify descriptions of rooms.

7. Pair Activity: Each student receives 2 blank houses. They draw furnishings in one of the houses. Without showing their house to their partner they describe the location and furnishing in the house. The partner attempts to draw the house according to these directions. Teacher models the procedure beforehand with a student.

8. "Dictée Illustrée": While looking at an illustration of a house, the students copy down the short paragraph that the Teacher reads. Immediately afterward the teacher displays the correct paragraph. Students correct their own work. They are graded on their final correction.

9. Students label the furniture by choosing and copying words from the word bank. (see page 26)


Students will recognize the furniture and rooms of the house in French.


Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information in order to furnish a house.

Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on pertaining to the rooms of the house and their furnishings.

Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of French and American bathrooms.


Une chaise
Une table
Un canapé
Un lit
Un télévision 
Un ordinateur
Un téléphone
Un magnétoscope
Un fauteuil
Une chaîne stéréo un frigo
Une lampe
une commode une baignoire
Les toilettes
Un bidet
Il y a...
à gauche (de)
à droite (de)


Flashcards of house and furniture
Photos of a French and American bathroom
Albert the Alligator's empty house transparency & furniture
Doll furniture & Mystery box
Room Descriptions
Pair activity: 2 Empty houses
Dictation paragraph & illustration
Furniture and word bank


Students identify the furniture orally. This is assessed both constantly during the lesson and with a checklist.


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